Product Information
INFRA-XS Product Information
Detail information on INFRA-XS, our E2E tool suite for the monitoring, visualisation, and enhancement of your IT services’ quality and the performance of your IT business processes.

INFRA-XS Product Information
E2E Monitoring with INFRA-XS
INFRA-XS leaflet 2014

E2E Monitoring with INFRA-XS
INFRA-XS Presentation
INFRA-XS introduction and product overview

GW IT INFRA-XS Presentation
MQ BusinessBooster for Websphere MQ
Answering business-related questions by analysing entire system chains

MQ BusinessBooster for Websphere MQ
Articles and Customer References
SAP Performance under the Microscope
An article published in the IT-Director magazine 05/2010 (in German).
A use case report on the successful implementation of INFRA-XS at one of Europe’s largest SAP providers, itelligence, for its customer Randstad.

SAP Performance under the Microscope
One Year of E2E Monitoring
A field report by Christian Altenberger, head of the IT department of the municipality of the city of Wien, Austria (in German) [09/2007].

One Year of E2E Monitoring
Optimising the IT Skyline
An article published in the e-Government magazine 02/2007 (in German).
The article is about the application of the INFRA-XS tool suite at the municipality of the city of Wien, Austria.

Optimising the IT Skyline
End-to-end Monitoring
An article published in the IT-Director magazine 12/2006 (in German).
The article is about the application of the INFRA-XS tool suite at the municipality of the city of Wien, Austria.

End-to-end Monitoring
Management Dashboard
An article published in the IT-Management magazine 09/2006 (in German).
An article by the Detecon company in cooperation with Geyer & Weinig.

Management Dashboard
End-to-end-based Monitoring Methods in Service Management
An article published in the IT-Management magazine 08/2006 (in German).
An article by the Detecon company in cooperation with Geyer & Weinig.